Legion M's 2020 "Year in Review"

While there's a lot we'd like to forget about 2020, there are a great many more things that we'd like to remember. Check out some of the highlights of everything WE'VE ACCOMPLISHED TOGETHER in 2020 — in spite of all the murder hornets and toilet paper shortages.

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Join us at the 2020 UNCAGED New Year's Eve Bash!

Let's ring in a brand new year with some crazy evil fun! Watch a special screening of MANDY on Alamo on Demand, then enter a virtual world full of karaoke, games, theaters, interactive experiences, and live video chats with other Legion M members at an 8-bit rendition of the Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar Highball.

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Legion M Team
Redefining "ROI"

People often ask about the differences between investing in Legion M versus a traditional entertainment company. One of the most important differences is one that will endure as long as Legion M exists: the fundamentally different way in which we view our relationship with our shareholders.

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Investor InfoJeff Annison
We're grateful for YOU!

We'll be the first to say it... this has been a weird year. But we are confident that we will come through on the other side, undeniably and overwhelmingly thanks to our committed community. So from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU.

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Taylor Gledhill
Leonard Maltin on Open-Ended Movie Endings

Leonard Maltin, trusted film critic and friend/advisor to Legion M, has written an article for our website on the topic of controversial and open-ended movie endings, inspired by our film Save Yourselves! (If you haven't seen it yet, don't worry — we won't spoil the ending!) Check it out and see if it changes your mind about some open-ended films you've seen recently.

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