Legion M’s investment offerings are regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Use the links below to read our filings on the SEC’s website (
Invest now at Read the Form C Offering Document on the SEC’s website.
Investing in early-stage companies like Legion M are speculative, illiquid, and involve a high degree of risk, including the possible loss of your entire investment. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose. For more information, please read the related risk factors for our offerings, and watch the video from Legion M’s cofounders.
2024 FORM 1-SA SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. Unaudited semi-annual report covering the first 6 months of 2024.
2023 FORM 1-K ANNUAL REPORT. Legion M’s 2023 annual report, including audited financial information through 12/31/23.
2022 FORM 1-K ANNUAL REPORT. Legion M’s 2022 annual report, including audited financial information through 12/31/22.
2021 FORM 1-K ANNUAL REPORT. Legion M’s 2021 annual report, including audited financial information through 12/31/21.
OTHER FILINGS All Legion M filings, including audited annual reports since the companies inception in 2016 can be found on the SEC’s website at this link.
Crowdcheck’s Verified Check Report verifies that statements made in Legion M’s offering document are supported by facts. READ MORE
Legion M's stock ownership records are maintained electronically and without the issuance of paper certificates. To accommodate our ambitious scale and provide our shareholders with electronic access to their shares, Legion M has partnered with Dealmaker Shareholder Services, an SEC registered transfer agent. Once your investment has closed (which is often after a round ends), you will receive an invitation to login to your Dealmaker account and view your shares from all rounds. If you can’t find your Dealmaker invitation, or if you have any other questions about your shares, please email and we’ll get you squared away.
In addition, you can always access your signed subscription agreement (which includes the amount you spent, the shares you received, and the date of the purchase) via Wefunder (Rounds 1-7) or StartEngine (Rounds 8-9). On Wefunder, navigate to your Portfolio page, scroll to Legion M, click the arrow, then click "download contracts" to access your subscription agreement, On StartEngine, navigate to the View My Investments page, scroll to Legion M and then click on the “view subscription agreement” button.