Set against the looming darkness of World War I, Tolkien explores the forces and friendships that shaped J.R.R. Tolkien's early life and inspired his legendary novels.
Join a Legion M meetup for a free limited-edition pin (while supplies last) and chances to win other great prizes, including a trip to a Hollywood premier!
Join a Legion M meetup to meet other Tolkien fans, film enthusiasts, and members of the Legion M community!
tolkien FANS UNITE!
Tolkien opened in theaters on May 10th across the country. To celebrate, Legion M organized meetups with free limited edition pins, plus a chance to win a trip to a Legion M Hollywood premiere!
Hosted by Carolina Romero
Hosted by Ellen Gray
Hosted by Matan Goldstein
Hosted by Terri Piñon
Hosted by John Biscardi
Hosted by Lindsey Fendt
Hosted by Chris Herzberg
Hosted by Blake Barr
Hosted by Donna Keeley
Hosted by Heather Jordan
Hosted by Joseph Stottmann
Hosted by Stephanie Brown
Hosted by Henry Johnson
Hosted by Brandi Plants
Hosted by Chris Miller
Hosted by Teri “Boots” Miller
Hosted by MeriJewel Burr
Hosted by Wendy Elliott
Hosted by Marc Heaps
Hosted by Neisha Mulchan
Hosted by Kathleen Hunt
Hosted by Cathy
Hosted by Chad D’Aigle
Hosted by Damian VanHart
Hosted by Jaclyn Koshofer
Hosted by Mattie Dougherty
Hosted by Jodi Yamashiro
Hosted by Jack Riddle
Hosted by Emma Radovich
Hosted by Jack Curenton
Hosted by Kevin Tweeton
Hosted by Cody Smith-Candelaria
Hosted by Lisa Sudo