HUFFPOST: Ending The World With Sunita Mani And John Reynolds, Comedy’s Next Big Things

Riding the success of “GLOW” and “Search Party,” their apocalyptic escapade, “Save Yourselves!,” turns the breakout TV actors into movie stars.

By Matthew Jacobs

Sunita Mani and John Reynolds can’t quite recall when they first met. Probably sometime around 2014 when Mani’s claim to semi-fame was her three-person comedic dance troupe, Cocoon Central Dance Team. Reynolds had just moved to New York City from Chicago. A mutual friend recommended he attend the ensemble’s show, where they could have been performing a choreographed routine to Beyoncé’s “Love on Top,” Gloria Estefan’s “Turn the Beat Around” or Kate Bush’s “Hounds of Love.” The details don’t matter. There, in some Brooklyn club, sat 23-year-old Reynolds, marveling at a three-person comedic dance troupe, unaware that one of its members would later be his co-star right as their careers were blossoming. The set was a doubleheader, and he loved it enough to stay for seconds.