Legion M is proud to partner with George R. R. Martin and The Stagecoach Foundation in support of their online auction during Wondercon 2021. In doing so we are bringing the exciting world of Wild Cards to life with an RPG experience nearly more than 40 years in the making. Please join us for a special broadcast featuring a new campaign and AMA with the esteemed authors of the Wild Cards series on Twitch!

March 26th & 27th
on LegionM.tv

Head to bidpal.net/stagecoach to bid on the auction! or text stagecoach to 243725 to create an account and make bids on the auction!

Click the button above for details on these exciting items up for grabs!


The Players

Wild Cards

Wild Cards is a sci-fi novel series set in an alternate-history post-WWII New York City, after an alien contagion completely disrupts modern life. The virus gives some individuals superhuman abilities ("Aces") — others, it mutates ("Jokers"). Edited by George R. R. Martin and co-edited by Melinda M. Snodgrass, this series has a wide range of contributing authors (including our players Walter Jon Williams, Carrie Vaughn, Caroline Spector, and Max Gladstone). Before it was a novel series, Wild Cards started as an RPG called "Superworld" and many of the characters and narratives were born from this theater of the mind. And now you'll get to witness a brand-new edition to the saga unfold right before your very eyes!

Complete Schedule Of WonderCon Events


FRIDAY 3/26 on LegionM.tv

9:30am-12:30pm PST
Legion D&D Playback

1pm-5pm PST

5pm-6pm PST
LIVE AMA with the Players

SATURDAY 3/27 on LegionM.tv

10am-2pm PST

2pm-3pm PST
Stagecoach LIVE Auction Pre-show with Bernie Bregman

(2pm-3pm PST - Discord AMA with Wild Cards Players)

3pm-4pm PST
Stagecoach LIVE Auction with Bernie Bregman

The Auction

Stagecoach Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating career pathways for New Mexicans in the film and television industry. To support their mission they will be auctioning off a number of rare and exciting items on “One Cause.”