Shatner DVD/Blu-Ray Free Pin Offer
Big News! DVDs and Blu-Rays for William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill are now available for presale. The discs won’t ship until the official release date of July 30, but you can pre-order today most places DVDs and Blu-Rays are sold.
If you are looking for the cheapest price, your best bet is to do a quick check of the big retail sites. The suggested retail price for the Blu-Ray is $26, but sites like Amazon generally provide steep discounts on items like this.
Of course, you can also buy directly from Legion M. Our Blu-Ray price is $20.99 (at least for now…please see below for more info). And while we don’t have the volume to compete with Amazon (seriously – we’d lose money on each disc sold!), THEY CAN’T TOUCH US WHEN IT COMES TO FUN!
That's because when you buy from Legion M you also get a FREE gift – the last limited edition pin in the set we created for the release of the film. This pin features William Shatner in his iconic role of Bob Wilson in the 1963 Twilight Zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet. We’ve held this pin back until now, but you’ll get one FREE with the purchase of every DVD/Blu-Ray from Legion M.
The last in a set of 8 pins created by Legion M with poster artist Paul Shipper for the film -- this pin features William Shatner as Bob Wilson in the iconic 1963 Twilight Zone Episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.
In addition to getting a free pin, when you buy from Legion M you can also rest easy knowing the retail margin (i.e. the money left over after paying the wholesale cost and the costs of shipping, packaging, fulfillment, etc) supports the shareholders of Legion M and the investors in the doc. When you buy from the other guys...your supporting their shareholders.
Bottom line: the economics of DVD/Blu-Rays generally work out such that about $2.50 from the sale of every disc goes back to the film – no matter where the disc is purchased. So if you like pins and want to support Legion M, buy yours from us. But if you’d prefer to save a few bucks and get it elsewhere, that’s fine too. We don’t judge. 🙂
Onward and Upward!