Legion M Lounge at Sundance 2019: SUCCESS!
We had a blast at Sundance this year! With free Pizza Hut pizza and Constellation Brands beer, there wasn’t a better spot to hang at Sundance.
Many celebrities stopped by for a quick photo and to hang out in the chillest spot in town.
(All photos courtesy of Getty Images)
But it wasn’t just fun for celebs! Our members enjoyed karaoke, rejuvenating services like massages and B12 shots at the REME spot, and even a ‘cereal’ killer party! Check out some select photos from the event below.
The Pizza Hut x Legion M lounge at Sundance 2019!
The Legion M Lounge at Sundance boasts the best view in town!

Legion M investors Ashley Love and Joseph Stottmann!
The Legion M lounge, twilight hours.
Entrance to the Legion M lounge!
Legion M investors Leesha Davis and Tyson Blair sporting some brand new Film Scout gear!
Legion M’s Clare Bateman-King with the Pizza Hut photo opp signage.
The Legion M lounge balcony is a great interview spot!
A line out the door and up the street all weekend!
Legion M’s COO Terri Lubaroff and president Jeff Annison talk our upcoming project “Girl With No Name” on a two-and-a-half hour Twitch livestream!
The director of Jawline came to the Legion M lounge to chat with us during our Twitch livestream, interviewed by Legion M’s own Terri Pinon!
Our incredible health and wellness sponsors, REME, give us a closer look at the app’s services.
Co-creators of “Quarter Life Poetry” stopped by to chat about their series on our Twitch livestream.
The Legion M four-headed beast — Jeff Annison, David Baxter, Terri Lubaroff, and Paul Scanlan — discussing some of their best Stan Lee memories on the Twitch livestream.
Legion M investor Dennis Dickens tells us why he loves the Legion!
Jeff Annison and Clare Bateman-King on the Twitch livestream.
Our incredible door bouncers/volunteers!
Always a full house at the Legion M lounge!
Folks came in from the bitter cold to enjoy a hot slice of pizza.
Our loungees enjoying a free drink courtesy of Constellation Brands!
Dean Devlin stopped by for a quick chat with Legion M!
Free pizza and beer? Sign me up!
Professor Paul Scanlan teaches the class what Legion M is all about!
It’s always a party with free Constellation Brands beer!
We murdered our favorite cereals with our Cereal Killer party… best idea we’ve ever had!
Legion M investor Tyson Blair killing it at karaoke with “Can You Feel The Love Tonight?”
Takin’ another little piece of our hearts with karaoke…
We don’t want no scrubs at karaoke!
Our incredible cinematographer Brad capturing the best moments of Sundance!
Terri Lubaroff being brave at the REME “B12 shot” station!
Corey Feldman swinging through the Legion M lounge to chat with the team.

Terri Pinon did a great job livestreaming every inch of the Legion M lounge.

Even Luke Cage (Mike Colter) himself came by the lounge!

Our open mic host, Glenn Lawrence!
Legion M loves open mic!

And open mic special guest Gaston Aziz.
We were honored to have Jewish rapper Kosha Dillz with us for our open mic/karaoke hybrid event!
“Say My Name” at karaoke!
Even the Red Banjo staff was getting into the karaoke!

Sundance is a great place for friends to reconnect.