Legion M

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Introducing S.C.O.U.T.

One of the most important weapons in today's Hollywood is DATA. As a company that is owned by a large audience of fans, Legion M has a Netflix-like opportunity to use data to spot trends, discover hidden opportunities, and develop competitive advantages. As such, we're constantly looking for fun and creative ways to engage our Legion to help us make better decisions. 

Today we're pleased to provide the very first release of SCOUT, a tool that allows us bring the power of the Legion to bear in finding and evaluating potential projects. As we speak, Legion M has a team on the ground at Fantastic Fest in Austin Texas looking for potential projects to get involved in. This version of SCOUT gives all our members and investors a chance to get involved with the process by watching and evaluating trailers for the films available. To learn more, check out this video:

This is just a first step in what we expect to be a very active area of development for Legion M. If you have a few minutes, please create a SCOUT account, and help Legion M make history!