Stan Lee
The idea of setting up a company that will be owned by the fans — I think that is a wonderful idea. So good, I wish I thought of it myself!
Stan Lee
Marvel Comics

Jill Robi
Legion M puts the power into the hands of the very people who love and live entertainment. Joining the Legion has been one of the BEST experiences ever.
Jill Robi
Writer, Fangirl, Film/TV Enthusiast

Matthew Senreich
Legion M’s new model presents an exciting new way to take fan engagement to the next level.
Matthew Senreich
Co-creator Robot Chicken, Founder Stoopid Buddy Studios

Legion M is exactly what our business needs right now.
Dean Devlin
Writer/Producer/Director (Stargate, Independence Day, Bad Samaritan, "The Librarians)

Terri P.
I've been an investor and active member since the first days of this amazing ride and the thing that brings chills down my back every time I think of it is the sheer potential of Legion M. When I think about how quickly we've been able to grow in number and the incredible energy and engagement among so many within the Legion all across the country and world, I'm just blown away. Jeff and Paul are fostering this amazing collective superpower that is already shaking things up in Hollywood and we've only just begun. We were able to do so much more than I expected in our first year and I am so anxious to see what year 2 brings! Onward and Upward! I am Legion M!

Leesha D.
Legion M has given me the chance to live a dream I never thought could happen. To be able to own even a small part of an entertainment company and actually have a voice in what we make or partner with. is a dream come true for a Movie and TV fan like myself.

Aaron W.
Being a founding investor, when I realized Paul & Jeff were the founders, knowing their experience, ingenuity and enterprising prowess, I knew I wanted in on this company, Legion M. Yet, it wasn't until I got to know them personally and the founding team, Terri, David, Eric and now the incredible Damian, I knew this was a community and family. With co-investors, like Terri P, Shao, Anthony VIP, the forum-master Karen C and so many more (too many to name) with such creativity and energy this company will thrive. Legion M will be a financial success and soar by integrity. As long as the pilots are Jeff & Paul, I'm on board!

Karina A.
For the longest time growing up, I always wanted to find a way to be a part of something that would change everything. I happened to be on Facebook and came across something that caught my eye. It said, "Legion M." I was a little skeptical at first not knowing what this was about. But soon after I made the decision to join, my life has been forever changed! Starting from the very bottom, and we are here now. Legion M has accomplished so much. I am so proud to be an investor and to all my fellow investors who made Legion M what it is today. A Beacon of hope for success and that we all can dare to dream and make them into a reality. Legion M is everything every company should be. It's our voice, Legion M help our voices be heard. I am so thankful for being part of something I know will become a huge Success in the future.

Amanda & Wes H.
I think what I like best about Legion M is the community. I live in Northwestern PA, so there aren't many investors physically near me, but the way Legion M and other investors have digitally bonded is amazing to me and it's what keeps me engaged in the projects. My husband and I our movie buffs, so we invested because of the big screen but stayed engaged because of the people.

Ron S.
There is only one word I can describe what LEGION M is doing for the entertainment industry...That word is LEGENDARY! Them allowing regular folks, who are fans of film, gaming, TV and other entertainment media to be able to partake in owning a part of that world they (the fans) also love through this extraordinary opportunity that LEGION M has provided is again, LE-GEN-DARY!

Bobby D.
It's more than a passive investment into a company, it's an introduction into a flourishing, passionate community.

Eton L.
#Go Legion M!

Matt S.
Legion M is the next step in re-discovering creative storytelling. A fan owned studio can create original, new ideas that resonate with the human heart by using the power of the group to not only create the ideas but go see them in the theater. The Legion has the power to impact filmmaking from concept to distribution. It is changing the way movies will be made.

Jill R.
In a world where studios fear originality, Legion M puts the power into the hands of the fans--the very people who love and live entertainment, and spend their hard earned dollars on going to the movies. Legion M doesn't just give an opportunity to be part of the industry that they adore, but it also gives them a voice. Geek culture is alive and well, and at Legion M, it gets to thrive. Finding uniqueness today on the big screen is next to non-existent, but Legion M is a studio that can, will, and will continue to deliver something new, and fresh, and most importantly, what fans want to see. As a writer, a fangirl, and TV/Film enthusiast, becoming one with the Legion has been one of the BEST experiences ever.

Cameron M.
Legion M has given the voiceless a voice, and we sound like thunder! We all watch a movie and talk among ourselves how things should be done, well Legion M gives us that platform to speak our mind and know we are being heard.

Debbie Star J.
I believe in Legion M, and what it represents so much. It was very clever to create their own fanbase, and film family. I like that Paul Scanlan and Jeff Annison the creators of Legion M are interested in what the investors have to say. I know this personally as I have emailed them with some ideas , and concepts, and they are doing their research on them now. They are savvy business entrepreneurs, and that is another thing I like about them. I traveled from Utah to L.A. to be part of Legion M at Stan Lee's LA Comic Con. It was AWESOME to see the "inner workings" of my fellow investors, and how the operations of Legion M was working behind the scenes of "Pitch Elevator", one of our first projects under the Legion M name. I look forward to being a continued part of the long bumpy Legion M road a head, in our Legion M car Marilyn (see pic above). Onward and Upward.

Eric Tracy-Cohen
The word Legion is key, by bringing in so many voices, Paul & Jeff have created a unique sounding board to bounce ideas off of. As a founding investor of Legion M, I believe there is a reason that so many movie enthusiasts and filmmakers like myself took the plunge in the opening round. What sets Legion M apart from other film companies, is that Paul & Jeff welcome community input. While ultimately what happens is their decision, The investors and fans are consistently asked about their opinions on current and upcoming projects. This is a very important moment for the future of cinema. Watch closely...This is just the beginning.

Kris G.
LegionM is the best concept I've ever seen. I got in on the initial investment so I could be a voice on how Entertainment should be instead of the usual Hollywood remake because there aren't enough original content out there. I plan on investing more when it opens up. I am so proud of this company and our first Film Colossal coming out April 7th. Onward and Upward!

Robert P.
I was intrigued by Legion M by the opportunity to be a part of the first fan owned entertainment company. As a pure fan I have absolutely no connection whatsoever to the entertainment industry and still don't, although I had always wondered what had went on behind the scenes but as just another average Joe I never thought I'd have the opportunity. Now thanks to Legion M I not only get to see what is going on, I also get to be a part of something very special and it feels like we're not just a bunch of people that invested in a company but we're part of a family.

Jesus M.
Jesus LOVE Legion M. Honestly I love Legion M. We are in control, we are powerful together, WE ARE LEGION M! As one, we can't change the world but as a Legion, we can change the universe.

Roxanne D.
It was love at first sight! Being one of the first investors is an honor. Paul and Jeff are the real deal , we totally trust that we are in the best hands!

Jeremy M.
Legion M is an absolutely phenomenal concept! People are incredibly disillusioned by the "big-business" mentality in Hollywood, and how it negatively effects the artists and the viewers alike. A shake-up is incredibly long overdue... a change in that mindset, actually listening to the fans is the reason why films like Deadpool are record shattering blockbusters! Legion M isn't just going next-level, we're making that the very heart of who we are. In the immortal words of Ethan Embry's character, Mark, from Empire Records, "Damn the man! Save the Empire!"

Luis G.
I had never invested in something as exciting as Legion M. It's like being on a really fun roller coaster with only the fun and exhilarating parts. It has been an adventure and a whole different experience. Just thinking of the possibilities and the bright future of this young Entertainment Studio is very rewarding. I really love being part of Legion M and seeing this company succeed and be known throughout the world. I really appreciate everything that the founder and main team have done to enhance the entertainment world.

Aron G.
I originally invested in Legion M due to intrigue. I work as a Motion Graphics Designer for interactive spaces; I also work with VR and AR. I’m constantly researching emerging tech, advertising and staying up to date on the latest trends. I’m also a geek that dabbles in cosplay, loves movies, the occasional video game, comics and the collecting of products related to these things. After reading about everything that Paul and Jeff have been a part of and seeing the partners that believe in Legion M (many that I was already a fan of), I wanted to jump on board and see where this journey takes us. So far I have not been disappointed. Paul and Jeff are both very involved within this company and so are the legion of fans. With every new update and idea the legion is right there trying to help anyway they can. Legion M may be small, but it’s power is mighty; it has a group of engaged fans with an energy that is palpable.

Jennifer E.
I have loved the Legion M experience. I'm an invester and member. I only invested the minimum, but the interaction and openness of this company has made me feel my investment is as important as those of larger investors. Being part of Legion M feels like being part of a family. We support not only the company, but each other as well because the more successful our members are the more they are in a position to promote Legion M. It is truly amazing how much I feel a part of this company which is a direct result of the communication and updates on the projects Legion M is involved with!

Candice C.
For me Legion M gives an opportunity to see more creativity out there than just the "standard" that has been churned and churned. It is new blood in an otherwise stale system.

Jerry S.
I've always wanted to invest but never thought I would because I didn't have enough money. So when this opportunity with Legion M came along, I jumped at it. I saw it not just as a long-term financial investment but a dream come true. I've been a lover of film and TV all my life and being a part of something with this kind of potential to change the way movies are made is exciting. Giving the ordinary fan a voice in the development of these properties has been needed for a long time. I really think Legion M could be truly life-changing for many of its investors.

Wendy E.
Legion m gives me the ability to have my voice heard on things I actually want to see. Fan girls want to see cool movies too! The legion is the voice of many with one mind, to watch a really great movie.

Craig C.
To be a part of, instead of apart from, is empowering.

Daniel H.
Out of the message boards and into the board meeting, our voices can be heard as high up as the other big shot executives. Instead of focusing on how much profit can be made, Legion M focuses on great ideas that we the people actually want to see.

Betty T.
LegionM is cultivating creativity through investment and inclusiveness on all levels.

Jack R.
My wife and I invested in Legion M because we like to invest in projects that not only provide the prospect of a good return but also afford the opportunity to express our personal opinions. We also felt, that since we are both movie lovers, it might also be a great deal of fun to be able to watch the movies we have a personal stake in. We never dreamed we would have a stake in a movie like Colossal which stars Anne Hathaway so soon. I have been telling all my fiends about it. They have been checking out the trailer and all agree it looks very funny and interesting. I know there are a great many projects like this in Hollywood in various stages of development that could provide increased financial success for Legion M share holders.

Matt M.
I love that Legion M is not only an investment, but a community of enthusiastic people. I'm not a wealthy person, but I can afford to put a small amount in Legion M and it makes me a part of an awesome company and community. I'm in North Carolina, far from Hollywood...I wish I were closer, for in-person events...but I'm kept informed and excited to see where we go in the next ten years. We're already off to an great start!

Zandra B.
I love Legion M as they not only allow me to invest in a Hollywood entertainment company but they allow me to express my opinion on their content; and yes they really listen and value their shareholders.

Matthew L.
This is the most impassioned group I'd ever had the pleasure of joining. Everyone is so supportive and all want this to succeed. An eclectic group from filmmakers to film lovers. The excitement grows around every corner. You have a question Legion M has the forum . We are The New Hollywood!

Julie E.
I love movies, having a voice in the process is a dream of a lifetime coming true.

Matthew H.
I believe the future of film and television is with independent collaborative studios, and Legion M has taken the brave first step in that direction.

Legion M's passion for creative collaboration shines like a beacon for all of us who share in that same passion for storytelling!

Denice R.
I learned of the Legion M shareholders opportunity from one of the many Facebook groups I am in. I was so excited to see that there was a fan owned film company forming. I invested at an hour before the cutoff of the first round of investing. I was a bit worried at first....not knowing if my money would be gone in the wind. My worry was for nothing. I have had every question answered in a timely manner, was added to the Legion M owners Facebook group and quickly was at ease knowing that I was part of a family .. a movement yes ....but a family is what it is. Watching and participatING in the new years kick off toast for Legion M with the Legion creators and creatives assured me that not only was my money well spent, but my money would go into creating works of art and films. I am in the entertainment industry, have been for a while and having Legion M and being part of this Family Movement is right where I belong. Thank you legion M for the revolutionary new way of bring fans to the table. I am looking forward to volunteering many hours with my new company and Family.

Earl H.
I am so honored to be a part of something that is so positive and exciting. Being a "LEGION M" Member is like a dream come true. It was so fun to meet new friends at the Chicago meetup, and the friendships continue on today. I can't wait to find out whats next on the LEGION M Schedule.

Rod W.
Legion M is a game changer for all fans and creatives.
With a minimum investment, anyone can own shares of this company. Imagine going to your local movie theater to watch a feature movie that pays you monetizing income, or going behind the scenes to witness an actual production shoot on location or in a studio lot of a television series. How about voting which project gets Greenlight? All of this is becoming a living reality because of two individuals (Paul & Jeff) who took a vision and put it into motion where the entertainment industry have to give them high props for creating the concept: "TO OPEN THE GATES OF HOLLYWOOD"
I'm very happy to be a part of this wonderful exciting venture that doesn't come this way often...

Mike T.
Wow! Legion M is a fabulous opportunity to be a part of, to be an investor/co-owner in this exciting company and all of the potential that it brings to the entertainment industry and of course, the loves of all of the fans that are part of this exciting opportunity. I am glad that the movie "Colossal" is the first project that Legion M had it's name linked with. Fabulous movie.